Sunday, January 31, 2010

I'd Lie- Taylor Swift

"I'd Lie" by Taylor Swift

I don’t think that passenger seat
Has ever looked this good to me
He tells me about his night
And I count the colors in his eyes

He’ll never fall in love he swears
As he runs his fingers through his hair
I’m laughing cause I hope he's wrong
I don't think it ever crossed his mind
He tells a joke I fake a smile
That I know all his favorite songs

And I could tell you
his favorite color's green
He loves to argue,
born on the seventeenth
His sister's beautiful,
he has his father’s eyes
And if you asked me if I love him.................................I’d lie

He looks around the room
Innocently overlooks the truth
Shouldn’t a light go on?
Doesn’t he know that I’ve had him memorized for so long?
He sees everything black and white
Never let nobody see him cry
I don’t let nobody see me wishing he was mine

I could tell you
his favorite color's green
He loves to argue,
born on the seventeenth
His sister's beautiful,
he has his father’s eyes
And if you asked me if I love him.....................................I’d lie

He stands there then walks away
Goodness if I could only say
I’m holding every breath for you...
He’d never tell you but he can play guitar
I think he can see through
everything but my heart
First thought when I wake up is goodness he’s beautiful
So I put on my make up
And pray for a miracle

Yes I could tell you
his favorite color's green
He loves to argue
oh and it kills me
His sister's beautiful
he has his father’s eyes
And if you asked me if I love him
If you asked me if I love him......................................................I’d lie

This is currently me favorite song! It is track number 3 on my playlist. Did a bit of editing to the lyrics. The real thing, instead of goodness is my god, but I do not believe that is the right thing to say!!! Listen to my playlist! Let me know if you like it! Love ya'll!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Been Up to Nothing Lately, SICK!

Yes, to answer your question, I am getting over a cold. My throat is still a bit sore, but no fever or tummy stuff, so everything is a okay! Well, I deleted the smiley thingy, I saw more wierd images from him, and I'd hate to here that an innapropriate one pops up on here, That would REALLY stink! Well, ECC is tomorrow and I am not ready at all. I emailed my pics Wednesday night, so now I just have credit class homework now. What do you all think of my blog now? I have made A LOT of changes!! Do you like me calmer, or are you fine with a crazy hyper blogger girl??? Can you at least comment so that I know people still read this? ? ? NOBODY COMMENTS ON HERE ANYMORE!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Why was the smiley gadget on my blog holding a cigar and a gun?!?!?!?!!? Hmmmmmm................ This needs to be sorted out....................... COmment if you spy any changes on here! Scroll down to the bottom!!!!!!

Zits Bother Me

Okay, I know this is ENTIRELY too random to post about, but I have been SWARMED by zits! GRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! I wear like this face guard thingy with a chin and forehead pad for softball, and it is like a sweat magnet. So boom bam, i have a HUGE zit on my chin! They are SOOO irritating! One left a scar on me which REALLY stinks!! Even though I have wanted to get rid of my bangs, they do cover the acne on my forehead. By the way, I do tend to SUPREMELY overexaggerate on the topics of "beauty on the outside". Such as the fact that I never seem to like my smile. I have all these straight well proportioned teeth then this one tooth dentists call "a peg tooth". One midgee tooth that is OF COURSE at the front of my smile! Again, my exaggerations are over the limit. But I hate it when it is like the day before you know that you are getting your picture taken or the day before ECC, and then whamoosh, one pops up. THAT IS SO ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I don't know why I keep getting them, they just appear, I haven't been eating chocolate, because some believe that it can mess up your complexion, I think, But anyway, this concludes my somewhat long post about zits blemishes and pimples. Bye Bye!!!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010


"Busy" was most definitely the best adjective to describe my weekend. That was basically all it was. Started it off with I guess a not so busy morning. And by that I mean that I slept in till almost twelve. The busy part starts now. I have a 3 hour softball tryout for a VERY good team. The thing was, was that it had been raining Friday night, so they decided to move it indoors because the fields were EXTREMELY wet. Well anyways, We arrive at the indoor facility, and they are practicing on the field outside in the freezing rain. I was VERY unprepared! Yes, I was practicing in a muscle shirt and baseball pants. Everyone else was in sweats and warm stuff. That wasn't too good. I did do very well at the tryouts. I think I will be finding out if I make the team tonight. I'm not very sure. But oh well, I hope I do! Wish me luck! Well yeah so I was pretty sore. My sister was going to tryout for a team Sunday, but she got sick from the cold weather, so the window was open for me to do another tryout, and, of course, I accepted. So I went to Church that morning, then went home and got ready for the tryouts. I did very well! This was an "A" level team, which means VERY GOOD. And I hung in there. Now I am here, on blogger and typing a research paper at the same time, very sore. I think I rolled my ankle at the tryout, and then overcompensated so now my legs are sore. My weekend was VERY eventful! I hope you enjoyed this VERY LONGGG post! Tootleloo! Love you guys!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Brief Outlook on my Week

Well, for starters, I didn't post anything about the first week of ECC. So, my apologies peoples. I have been doing a lot of work on my website and I truly hope that it pays off. Here's the link!: Click Me! Well anyways ECC week two was a very good week for me. Not that week one was bad, it's just that I have been somewhat stressing the fact that ECC was coming. Me and my teenage mindset I guess. : ) It all had moved in slow motion. The second week was very fun though. Took Senior pictures in Dig. Photography, work on my site some in Web Design. I will explain more in a bit...........

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Random Picture

Yeah, so my homework for digital photography is to take my camera EVERYWHERE!!!!! I think I'm getting carried away. Here are some vegatables I saw when shopping at Kroger.

Some Photography

Comment if you love this photo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bored........... Tired............ ECC is tomorrow......--



Monday, January 18, 2010


What a beautiful day yesterday, and forecast too! The sun, the warmth, if every day felt like this, it would be like living in paradise! It almost, to me, felt like the "bring out the shorts!" kind of weather. Maybe because it's been below freezing for so long. Oh well..... Time to go. Peace Out!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Poetry 2

Poetry 2

Utter Betrayal
The Crushing black Oblivion
Of darkness sets inside me
It's like being trapped in a corner
With no way to escape
My eyes swell with tears
The waterworks begin
How could he betray me
I thought he was my friend
PLEASE COMMENT WHAT YOU FEEL ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!! Also, I have a mushy lovey one but I will only put it on here by popular demand. Please comment!

Poetry 1

Well, here is the first poem of mine that I will be posting on here. Please comment about it!

I walk along this lonely road
Sorrow in my steps
Tears pouring down my eyes like raindrops
A thundercloud over my head
All through the night, I couldn't sleep
I moaned in my bed, a constant weep
I felt more alone than ever
Happiness could come to me.......never
A rainbow in my heart appeared instantly
It quickly made me realize, that God was with me.
I wrote this while feeling lonely, and I just had to know that God was with me. God Bless!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Posting at a Minnimum Lately

Well, I guess as it is obvious to see, my posting has been very slow lately. Do you ever get in those uninspired modes, when nothing seems to pop into your brain. It actually reminds me of this pretty cool quote. Well, here it is:

Can't think, brain numb
Inspiration won't come
Poor ink, bad pen
That's all
I really like that little quote. It puts a large smile on my face when I'm feeling down. (funny, at first I wrote falling down) :). Anyways, I have a few plans for this good ole blog of mine. I actually have an inspiration, which at the moment is poetry. It seems to calm down my relatively hyper self. So now I will be posting some of my very own poems on here, and would LOVE some feedback! I will also try very hard not to mess up on capitalization, or misspell words on here. I think it appears somewhat sloppy compared to my other com padres blogs. Now for all my email buddies, I will still be my sloppy hyper self!!!!! *Smiling* Well anyways, I wouldn't mind some criticizing comments, I honestly enjoy constructive criticism, as long as it isn't being screamed in my face (please don't ask, it has happened to me before). Well I will soon return to my posting habits. I really will! Tootles!!!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

any resolutions?!?!??!?!?! COMMENT THEM!!!!!!!