Wednesday, March 30, 2011

To Clara

Hey, so I know you asked for his autograph, but I decided to have him MAKE YOU A VIDEO too!! Enjoy! :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Been working...

Well, I've been drawing quite a lot lately...especially posters. In more posters. While the super bowl was going on, I drew two posters, while my sister and dad are watching tv, I draw more posters. I can't stop drawing them!!! So, I decided to convince myself that I need to stop doing so...How do I do this? Put them on my walls. I know that doesn't sound like it'll help anything, but oh yes it does! With all the hand-drawn posters I've put in my room, I've reached a problem...NO MORE ROOM ON THE WALLS. Therefore, I've kinda reached a new hobby: Interior decorating... I'm very glad that all the random stuff attached to my walls in attached with tape, if I used thumbtacks, my wall would be polka dotted with holes... So that's been what I've been "working on" lately... Now for some pictures!! ;D