Monday, March 15, 2010


I just played 8 softball games in two days! i played 7 in one day and 1 the next day! We won 4th place out of a bunch of "A" level teams. And we were the expected team to lose! But anways, that was fun! I was so sore the next day!! But, it was all worth it!

Well, now back to my life........................................ I don't know how to explain my emotions any more. I feel so empty... Love, such an emotion, sometimes I wish it were just a word....................It sure would feel easier if you were to tell somebody that......................I mean honestly crazy word for an awkward emotion, yet I love people...........not a feeling, just a word that describes my feelings in some ways.....................Love doesn't always have to be romantic............ People just make a big deal of it, and therefore, my feeling get exposed.

It's so odd. I mean, if people think of love in a romantic way, then I have some explaining to do :D. But anyways..................... TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF SPRING!! But.......... it snowed! It was 70 degrees yesterday! I felt like running around in shorts. I know this was weird but when I got home Friday I was running around in a tank top and shorts barefoot feeling TOTALLY comfortable. Yeah maybe I'm still a little early. Then today, wind chill in the teens. I guess that quite plainly describes Texas weather.

Yes, my softball tournament got cancelled :(. But, today I have had a sore throat and laryngitus. I'm not contagious though! But 30 degree weather wouldn't have helped my cause. But apparently there was some way to predict the chance of us winning and they were predicting the we would've won 2nd place! How sad............................ My voice sounds so funny though. I sound like a guy during voice maturity. It's all squeaky. lol. The Web Design contest is this week. I want whoever reads this to sign my guestbook!!

To look at my site first:

To go straight to the guestbook:

Well there you have it! Please comment about what you think of this site!

Who cares what the word means! I LOVE you guys!!


  1. Cool! Did you win?? I'm commenting! Yay! Anyway, I read your blog ALL THE TIME!!!! BFFs! :)

  2. Yes!! We did!!! This is the best team that I have ever played for!!


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