"Awkward" is another word too. Don't you just hate it when all of your friends are trying to figure out who you like, when they kinda already know. I can't help it, my thoughts feel so exposed right now, like I have no true secrets to keep. It's like whatever I think, someone finds out, then BOOM! I can't find a secret. Not that I like having secrets or anything................ But life goes on...................................................
"Sore" describe me too. I was at softball practice Saturday, and while I was covering third base, somebody slid into my kneecap! I just laid there, rolled on my back for a minute. I had this really disguisting grimace on my face, but I never cried! Now I am in her with an Ace wrap on my knee. It feel a lot better now, I just have a sensitive bruise.......................
Ho hummmmmm....................... Okay, so I found the CUTEST quote on Polyvore.
Girl: I like someone
Boy: Who?
Girl: No wait, I love someone
Boy: You can tell me
Girl: Promise you won't laugh?
Boy: I promise. Just tell me!
Girl: It starts with a 'Y' and ends in a 'U'
Boy: I like that person too.
Later peeps!
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